Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Man Room

Let me just get this post started off by saying that I have the BEST WIFE EVER!

When we were looking for a house, I knew that I had so much crap that she wouldn't want visible to any visitors, so I aimed to get a house with enough bedrooms that I could convert one into a Man Room. After much negotiation, I convinced her that it would be okay. I'm pretty sure she was primarily worried that I'd spend all of my time in there and not with her. As you can see from this picture, I haven't spent much time in there AT ALL since moving in...

I fully intend to get it into a more organized state. It's just taking longer than I had originally planned due to life being pretty much nonstop since our engagement.

Two of my favorite features of the room are:
1.) My dad's La-Z-Boy recliner that is older than I am

2.) Smiley...

I'm primarily posting this for Andy's enjoyment, but I'm sure any others that view this will either A) Cringe in terror (*ahem* Sally), or B) Be fascinated by the fact that a woman would love me enough to let me do this in our home.

Anyways, I am really hoping for a weekend (or five) someday soon in which I can buckle down and get it presentable.

Have a good one!


Olivia said...

Well, I have the best husband ever! He is a slob though.

Good luck finding a free weekend, sir. Hey, I'll be in class all day Saturday. There's some time!

Andy said...

Dude I was just thinking about smiley and what happened to him. I could not remember who I gave him too and Erin couldnt figure out why I even cared. I love the hook. I forgot he lost his hand. I am glad you still have him and are enjoying him, it seems he has a good home and is happy.

Mark said...

Wow. I've been barking up that tree for a long time, but to no avail. Housing in Nashville was about 50% more expensive than it was in AR, so maybe in the years to come we'll upgrade and I'll have some more space. We really don't have a lot of spare rooms. On the bright side, she did relent and let me purchase an enormous TV w/ Blu-ray.

AlphaTau37 said...

Livvy - I can't do it while you're away. I have to watch Millie Belle.

Andy - I knew you'd like the hook. You'll have to come pay ole Smiley a visit sometime. If you ever want him back, he's yours.

Mark - Luckily we got a house with 4 bedrooms, so we have our bedroom, a Man Room, a Woman Room, and a guest room. A big-screen TV is next on my list. What brand/size did you get?

Olivia said...

I'm telling you, after an hour or so of the room being open and you telling her to sit (if you put her bed and toys by the door) she would get bored and chill out.

Deb said...

I am glad that you haven't got lost in your man room yet.